Thursday, November 30, 2017

Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Path

How many years does it take to become a distinguished Toastmaster?

Godfrey McAllister, Ph.D. Theology; Psychology; Counseling; & Consumer/Provider Relations, Queens College - Guyana; Jamaica Th...
As already stated by DTM Pamela Winter, the shortest possible time for the most aggressive, pro-active and self-driven Toastmaster, and under “normal” circumstances, is two (2) years. In fact, for several years, a comprehensive article to this effect has been hosted on Toastmasters International -Home.

Monday, November 27, 2017

You Just Became a Toastmaster?

How to make the most of your learning experience?
By Bill Brown, DTM

Congratulations! You are now a Toastmaster. Welcome to the family. You have embarked on a journey—a journey to improve your speaking and leadership skills. Your club and manuals will give you a great start.

The Competent Communication (CC) and Competent Leader (CL) manuals are designed to be worked side-by-side. In June we will take an in-depth look at the CL manual. But this month, I’ll give you a few tips to help you get the most out of your CC manual.

WHATS APP TABLE TOPIC: What is success according to you?

Just now, by you pressing the play button to listen to my voice and thoughts on, “What is success according to you” has made me successful today in another small way.


Love is an unspeakable emotion. Love is to be experienced with all the human senses. Falling in love is like experiencing an unspeakable high, like having a ball of a time. Falling out of love is an unspeakable experience, too, like climbing the walls in lonely despair.


Whatsapp table topics for TODAY
(Thursday 02nd November 2017)

 Date and Duration:  02ND November 2017 (11.15 am to 11.59 pm)

 1-2 minutes
 If you speak less than 50 seconds and more then 2:30 seconds,
 no points will   be given.

Prayer for Humor Speech Contest Competitors.

Ralph, Radha & Jyoti
This message is specially written and read for my fellow Toastmaster friends, who I supremely admire for their Public Speaking Skills.

MEMORY MATTERS: How to Memorize speeches easily.

When presenting, it’s never a good idea to read from your slides or note cards. A few quick glances are usually acceptable. And if you read everything word for word, you will seem disengaged from the audience. Even though most presenters know this, the situation still seems unavoidable. 


Get away from your daily boring biosphere…..

We promise you lots of Laughter and Tears of Joy, within this ecosphere.

Tools of the Trade

Public Speaking Tools

    Pen Pointer

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Got a headache and enjoyed it too!

To visit Toastmaster’s class, I mustered enough courage
Green tea and buttered toast was my evening food and beverage.

Self-interested and self-invited myself as a guest
Was worried that I don’t end up becoming a pest.


The Wife’s Invisible Slap

Today, I invited my wife to be present in this audience for my first ever Toastmasters speech. And here is what she had to say. “For 22 long years I am listening to your never-ending talks, Blah, Blah, and Blah. And now you expect me to sit with strangers and hear and listen to your PUBLIC SPEECHES TOO NOW?”

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Competent Leadership Project 1 Evaluation

Competent Communication Speech 1 Evaluation.

Taking out the mystery out of Mentoring.

How to spot fake news?

How to master the stage?

Ten Topics for Terrific Table Topics

The ABC's of Toastmaster's Acronyms

Speakers, its not about you.

The Facts are in for 2017.

How to deliver a speech without notes?

May i please have your attention?

8 Tips for Table Topics

Ice Breaker Speech Invite.

LET'S GO TO MUMBAI: Toastmasters Area Humorous Speech Contest.

CC1 PREPARED SPEECH: My Mothers Miracle.

Good Evening Toastmasters and Guests. Today I am going to share a very special moment in my life that is the Day of my birth.

DOB – Date of Birth

For everyone DOB stands for Date of Birth. For me it was dead on Birth. Yes. I was nicely sleeping in my mother’s comfortable womb, when I was forcibly pulled out with the doctor’s cold and surgical stainless steel forceps.



I am an Ana Fontian and this is my Club Anthem…..

WHATS APP ACTIVITY 1: Create minimum one metaphor for the four words given below.

Grammar Magic

Introducing- Metaphor master

Activity- Create minimum one metaphor for the four words given below.

1. The sun
2. Clouds
3. The ocean
4. Anger.

WHATSAPP TABLE TOPICS 2: "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right."

Good Evening Table Topics Toastmaster Truven and all other Ana Fonte Toastmasters too. I would like to have a very neutral and balanced approach to this amazing and truthful saying of Henry Ford. That is.
"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right."

I STRESS THAT THE ABOVE QUOTE INCREASES THE CHANCES OF SUCCESS TO THOSE WHO SAY I CAN. I repeat, it increases the chances. It’s not 100% that just by having the Quoted belief will achieve the 100% desired result.


Image result for ACRONYMS clipart
AC: Advanced Communicator (ACB, ACS or ACG) — someone who has achieved at least an ACB (ATM-B).

ACB: Advanced Communicator Bronze (formerly ATM-B) — award given to an Individual who has achieved CC or CTM and has completed two Advanced Communication & Leadership Program manuals.
ACG: Advanced Communicator Gold (formerly ATM-G) — award given to an individual who has completed ACS or ATM-S, has completed two additional Advanced Communication & Leadership Program manuals, conducted a Success/Leadership Program, Success/Communication Program, or a Youth Leadership Program, and has coached a new member with the first three speech projects.

WHATS APP TABLE TOPIC 1: Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you.

Good Day to all Toastmasters and especially to my Table Topics Master Raul Pereira and to the hidden secret judge too.

Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you.

This is called the GOLDEN RULE and its source can be found in many scriptures & ancient philosophies such as the Bible, Teachings of Confucius, and in Buddhism too. 

CC2 PREPARED SPEECH: Be Curious to New Experiences.

Today I am going to ask you a simple Question, which if asked regularly by yourself and answered by yourself too will lead to many innovative and inspiring experiences for you in this journey of life.

When was the last time, you did something for the very first time?” I repeat this question once again only for emphasis. “When was the last time, you did something for the very first time?”

Friday, November 24, 2017

POEM: I Want My Childhood Days Back, I Want my Youth Back..........

1. Choose any one of the following subjects/theme
*happiness*, *time*, *love*, *wrath* or *words*
_(should be your original work)_
**Note:** Apart from English we're even accepting entries in the following regional languages. Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Konkani, Telugu, Gujarati, Bengali and Punjabi.
2. Video should be of minimum 1 min and maximum 2mins 30 secs. (Subtitles not compulsory)
3. *Performance:* Spoken word poetry is performed so please do keep the CC manual in mind _(P4 - simple vivid words, P5 - body language and P6 - vocal variety)._
4. Video should be bright and clearly visible. And it shouldn't be more than 30 MB. Audio should be audible with no disturbances.
5. ‎You can be as creative as possible with the video.
Last Date for submission: 26th November, 2017
Top 3 winners get featured in Communicate 98, November Edition and get a special prize from District 98.

This Happened to me: 3 Stories

“Most people like to own things. You know, land, luggage, other people. Makes them feel secure. But all that can be taken away. And in the...