Monday, November 27, 2017

Prayer for Humor Speech Contest Competitors.

Ralph, Radha & Jyoti
This message is specially written and read for my fellow Toastmaster friends, who I supremely admire for their Public Speaking Skills.

Ralph, your name was derived from the Ancient Viking name "Radulf" who was a Viking King or Lord. Meaning of Ralph is in two words, “Wolf” & “Wise Counsel” or Wolf Counsel. The name Ralph is described as a gentleman, dashing, loyal, masculine, charming, rugged, and strong. Compassionate, romantic, cheeky, comical, attentive, focused & head strong. Your name says it all. There is a Winner in your name itself.

Your name by itself represents the divine Shakti (energy) of the Universe. You have the wonderful name of a Goddess, all for yourself. According to me, Lord Krishna is a supreme enchanter of the world. But Radha the mystical goddess even enchants him. So to me Radha, you are like a supreme goddess. In the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit your name has two important meanings associated with Radha and they are Success & Prosperity. Your name too says it all. There is a winner in your name itself.

Jyoti, your name means Flame or Light or Lamp or The light of the Sun. To me your name Jyoti represents the victory torch that is used in many athletic games and events. Events come and go.  Winners win and go. But the torch bearing light continues to glow. Your name reminds me of a nice motivational quote of Jesus Christ which I quote here,” "No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden, or under a basket. Instead they put it on its stand, so that those who come in may see the light. Luke 11:33. There is a winner in your name itself too.

My sincere wishes, luck and prayers too, to all the three of you. Ralph bring out the Winner Wolf in you. Radha, just enchant the judges with your magical humor and finally Jyoti you just have to spread your charming light humor. 

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