Sunday, January 14, 2018



I would like you all to join me in a short VISUALIZATON TOUR by closing your eyes. Yes. Close your eyes for a little while with me. All eyes closed. Now let’s travel back to your respective homes and we will do 1 small exercise. Any Tools that you find, just with the aid of your imagination, throw it out of your window. Throw whatever TOOL comes into your one or two hands. Along with you all, I am throwing some tools too from my house. Mixer Grinder, Oven, Gas lighters, Sandwich maker, Toaster, Knives, Cutlery, the TV Remote the Pillows, anything that is a TOOL.

Now with our Eyes Wide open, lets visit our Workplaces and Offices and I will throw away some Tools. Doctor’s clinic. Teacher’s School, Advocate’s Office. In short we would soon reach a time, when if all tools were done away with, then we would have NO TOOLS. Or in other words we would have NOTHING. Yes. Nothing to do with our hands and minds too.

In connection with the above small Visualization Exercise, let me share a special quote that will become easier to understand now. 

“Man (or woman) is a tool using animal. Without tools he (/ she) is nothing, with tools he or she is all.”  As quoted by the famous Scottish philosopher, satirical writer, essayist, translator, historian, mathematician, and teacher, Mr. Thomas Carlyle.


Good Morning My Ana Fonte Toastmasters, Other Toastmaster Clubs members & Guests if any. Today I am going to introduce to you many multiple tools that can be used towards becoming a professional public speaker. Many you may know. Some may be new.

Tools are not needed only during the daytime. We need tools even while we are sleeping at night. Did I say night? Yes at Night time too. Whenever I have difficulty in getting sleep, I start playing with my most powerful Tool. VERY LONG PAUSE. Yes. You all guessed it right. My Mind. I start playing with my mind. I try to put myself to sleep, visualizing of robbing a bank. In my dream too, I realize that I need tools to rob the bank. Iron Cutter, Lock breaker, Black Spray paint to spray the camera lenses, Masks, Knife, Guns, Empty bags to carry the money, Getaway Car etc….

But today I am going to introduce to you TOOLS OF THE TRADE that can be used in a very beneficial way in Public Speaking and Toastmasters club at every meeting.

Firstly, let’s see what the Definition of a Tool is (TAKE MINI POCKET SIZE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY HERE)

“A device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.” Now even this pocket dictionary as a tool had multiple uses. Firstly we found the meaning of the word Tool. Secondly, it also becomes a small weapon, a missile. In English Class, lecture is on, Deepak is fast asleep, and Mrs. Fizardo throws the Oxford Pocket Dictionary as a missile landing directly on Deepak’s head. She used to gesture with open hands. I used to, by now be bright awake, calmly carrying the mini dictionary back to the Teacher and she continues with her lecture.


Ø  Competent Communications Manual
Ø  Competent Leader Manual
This Membership Kit was a very pleasant surprise for me. Cause I love printed books.

Ø  Notepad with Paper & Pen
If you can, I always make it a habit of carrying a few extra pens everywhere. The Rs.5/- each pen. If someone does not return it, it goes as charity.

Ø  Old Toastmasters Magazines to give away for new guests.
At my first meeting of Toastmasters, at Chowgules College, someone approached me and offered an old Toastmasters magazine. Great I said to myself. I will come to these meetings again and again.

Let me ask the men first. Sir Truven can I borrow your pen please? Sorry. I want a Pen that becomes long. Its length increases. Any of you men have one? Let’s ask the same Question now to one of the ladies. I want a Pen that becomes long. Since no one has, then I will remove mine from my pant pocket. Here it is. 


Ø  Smartphone ready with Toastmasters Apps (Timer, Recorder, Table Topics etc.)

Ø  Spare Membership Forms (What if someone needs it)

Ø  List of Toastmasters Acronyms. (Show a Printed Copy)

Ø  TM Meeting Agenda (Good for sharing with New Guests & New Toastmasters too)

Ø  FINGER RINGS TRACKPAD Wireless Optical Mouse for Power point Presentations

Ø  Flexible Rolling Black Board

Ø  Printed Motivational Posters

Remember Mr. Thomas Carlyle’s quote in the beginning, he referred to man as a tool using animal. Because animals, yes wild animals have preceded humankind in the usage of tools and that is where and how, our earliest ancestors must have watched the animals and learnt in making and using tools for their own benefit and progress. Human beings too are also social animals, and we have larger abilities and capabilities to harness and produce amazing tools.

Before I proceed to end my speech with a Quotation. Please see these 2 Visuals.

“We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us. Mr. Marshall McLuhan.

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