Monday, December 18, 2017

Toastmasters Table Topics Questions

01.              Quote of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or Mahatma Gandhi
TT - “There is enough for everyone’s need. There is not enough for everyone’s greed”.

02.              TT - “Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.” This quote was first recorded in 3rd Century and became very popular in 19th Century. I wonder were people blind to beauty before the 3rd Century?

03.              TT - Behind Every Successful Man, There Is A Woman And Behind Every Unsuccessful Man, There Are Two. I am always left wondering, behind every successful women is WHO?

04.              TT - I LOVE ____________________________. Everyone loves something or somebody or whatever. For Example: I love Writing. Please speak on something or somebody that you love truly. Fill in the blank, choice is yours.

05.              In my darkest moments and my darkest times, only this Spiritual Book helped me come out of Hell. No. It’s not any religious book. It’s this Yellow book for Dummies. Why am I giving it away? Will be buying the latest updated and new version soon. TT - Can there be Happiness without experiencing Sadness?”

06.              I like this particular beach. So I have chosen it. Has anyone visited and liked it too. TT - Bogmalo Beach.

07.              I hope that most of you have walked yourself into some dark and moist tunnels. I have been into many. TT - “There is light at the end of every tunnel, just pray that it is not a speeding train.

08.              Some say crying is healthy and thereaupatic. Social research has found that women cry more and men cry less, that’s why men suffer more heart attacks. TT - “Do you think that crying is a sign of weakness or strength, for men?

09.              TT - “If someone could tell you the exact day and time you are going to die, would you want them to tell you?” If yes, Why. If no, Why?

10.              TT – “If this was happening to you. In Reality. Only you were getting TOMMORROWS NEWSPAPER TODAY.” What would you do?

11.              TT – “Which domestic or wild animal represents you? Why”

12.              TT – “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all”. You can speak for or against or anything.

13.              TT – “If today you had 100 Crores of Rupees. Yes Hard & Liquid Cash in Hand” Not in 1000 Rs denominations. What would you do?

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