Thursday, November 30, 2017

How many years does it take to become a distinguished Toastmaster?

Godfrey McAllister, Ph.D. Theology; Psychology; Counseling; & Consumer/Provider Relations, Queens College - Guyana; Jamaica Th...
As already stated by DTM Pamela Winter, the shortest possible time for the most aggressive, pro-active and self-driven Toastmaster, and under “normal” circumstances, is two (2) years. In fact, for several years, a comprehensive article to this effect has been hosted on Toastmasters International -Home.

DTM in 1 Year
 However, my research has shown that I have the distinct honor and pleasure of holding the all-time record for having earned my DTM designation in one year, less one day. It was a classic demonstration of turning an apparent adversity, into a practical advantage. here is how it happened.
I joined Toastmasters in 2002 in Jamaica, and was immediately angered by the fact that at the ripe old age of 50, I had never before heard of Toastmasters. My reaction was to attempt to extract as much as possible from this great organisation with its unparalleled self-paced Communication and Leadership communication. The result was that I immediately made waves in the relatively docile Toastmasters environment in Jamaica. The thirteen Competent Toastmasters (CTM), who would now be referred to as Competent Communicators (CC) were challenged my CTM in my first two months and immediately moved on to join the two existing Advanced Toastmasters (ATM).
As can be expected from standard human nature, attempts were made to dissuade me because I was speaking too often and straining the resources of the Club. Since I was unstoppable, I answered by visiting other Clubs to present my projects in this “International” organisation. In record time I devoured the Advanced Toastmasters Bronze, Silver and Gold - a total of 50 speech projects in the Communication Track. The requirements in the Leadership Track would prove more challenging.
The Politics of Leadership
 I was not “liked” enough in my Club to be elected as an Officer on the Board in my first year. Few people are. So, since that was a basic requirement, I joined a second Club, but not just any other Club. I selected a Club that met every week, and as a result, the requirement was that you served as an Officer for 6 months in order to satisfy TI’s requirement. STATHS Torchbearers came to my rescue, but not for free. I negotiated with the leadership of the Club to serve on their Board for 6 months in exchange for high performance coaching and the natural motivation that I provided to its members. In fact, I did my High Performance Leadership project at the School that hosted that Club. By way of disclosure, almost 2 decades before, I worked at STATHS as Guidance Counselor, and was not reluctant to leverage my accumulated goodwill.
Starting a Toastmasters Club would have been a challenge, except for the fact that for more than a decade, I had worked with the Jamaica Police Force as its Insurance Consultant. The Jamaica Police Academy did not have a Toastmasters Club. So guess what, I formed one there. In similar fashion and with similar non-failure approaches to satisfying all of the requirements of Toastmasters International, I completed all of their requirements for their highest designation of Distinguished Toastmasters in one year, less one day [Certificate #8432].
Advantage out of Adversity
 So what was the “adversity” that I converted to an advantage? Having joined an international organization, I was not content to limit my activities to Jamaica. Then came the shock of my life. Jamaica was “Undistricted”, and as such I could not access all the resources of Toastmasters International. I immediately launched an intensive campaign to have Jamaica become a District of Toastmasters International. My campaign was branded, “Get Rid of U”.
 The momentum grew. I founded and became the first President for an umbrella organizations of all Toastmasters Clubs in Jamaica and called it Toastmasters International Jamaica (TIJ). But we had a big problem. Jamaica was too small. Under the later leadership of DTM Eileen Wolfe, a former Toastmasters International Director, Jamaica, along with several other Caribbean Islands formed Toastmasters International District 81 - one of the most challenging and unwieldy Districts because of the 18 small disconnected countries of which it is comprised. And for all that, District 81 has repeatedly been a Presidents Distinguished District - a tribute to the leadership and acumen of Toastmasters in that region of the world.
However, because Jamaica was “Undistricted”, serving as a District Officer was not a requirement to earn my DTM. had it been a District, I would have found a way to acquire my DTM designation in 18 months. And there is a much bigger point here, than just worthless bragging rights.
Toastmasters International – Almost Perfect
 Toastmasters International’s only significant weakness is the fact that it places members under absolutely no pressure to complete their Education goals. In the Universe, pressure has reserved for itself a place of distinction. It is required to hold the atmosphere together. If you don’t believe me, try simulating an environment of zero atmospheric pressure. 
It is the non-negotiable both in he formation of diamonds, and character. A world without guidelines and deadlines would be a world of diminished productivity. When enthusiastic members become Toastmasters, they expect pressure, as they would when they join a University or other academic institution.
In toastmasters International, there is a worrisome absence of any form of pressure. A state of laissez-faire literally exists, when it comes to deadlines and datelines by which to satisfy the requirements for earning the organization’s designations. Members can take forever to become a Competent Communicator which is the first of seven designations offered by TI. Anything that is allowed to take “forever”, is usually accomplished “never”. 
Most members leave Toastmasters International without ever completing their basic Competent Communicator designation requirements. What a shame! What a waste! What is the real value of Toastmasters International membership dues being the lowest in the world for comparable services, and yet failing to get the biggest bang for your buck. Toastmasters International was obliged to hand me my designation in exchange for only two annual membership dues. That is what I call a high ROI.
So here is the takeaway. Toastmasters International, to date, has failed to create the environment that motivates its members to take full advantage of its excellent course of study and facilities for personal development in the areas of communication and leadership skills. 
But on the other hand, there is nothing that stops you as a Toastmaster or as a member of the public, from exploiting the untapped wealth and resources of Toastmasters International. DTM Fran Okeson has reputedly qualified for 20 DTM’s, and I bet that the Toastmaster is not yet finished. This is ultimately about self-development, and for you, the sky is the limit. It all depends on high is your sky.
My Contribution
 In exchange for my bragging rights of holding the almost unbeatable world-record of completing my DTM in one year, I have made and continue to make other contributions to this organization. There is nothing that I have written in this article that I have not shared with Toastmasters International. In fact, in an hour-long face-to-face with International President DTM Jim Kokocki two years ago, I poured out my heart and concern that for a very small additional investment, Toastmasters International could exponentially increase its reach and positive influence in the world. I shared with him two quotable philosophies that I have honed from the crucible of my experience as a Toastmaster.
The first is that the organization’s mantra, “Where Leaders Are Made” is best interpreted, “Toastmasters International - where you get the opportunity to make yourself into the best leader possible”. The second and better known is “A bird that does not fly and a fish that does not swim, is like a Toastmaster who does not speak”. I proudly sign my name to both of those quotes.
How much $$$ is a DTM Worth?
 If this is to be part of my legacy, I might as well share one more advice to Toastmasters International. When I joined the organization 15 years ago, I concluded that Toastmasters is one of the best kept secrets in the world. I do not know that today, the status has changed significantly. Whenever Toastmasters International is ready to break into the big league, it will promote itself more aggressively. And this can be done without increasing membership dues. 
Here is the anatomy of the problem. There is no socio-economic pull or push that motivates members to take their pursuit of excellence through Toastmasters International seriously. When an employee acquires an MBA or even a Bachelors degree, there is an expectation that there will be direct correlation between that achievement on the one hand, and an increase in earnings and its consequent social mobility, on the other hand. When a Toastmaster earns his DTM or even his CC, there is no such correlation.
The real shame is that Toastmasters International has already taken the first step in this direction, but lacks the leadership and motivation to follow through. Toastmasters International offers to send a congratulatory letter to the employer of every Toastmaster each time that Toastmaster ears a designation. This means that Toastmasters International already has in place a mechanism to send as many as seven letters to your employer to broadcast your accomplishments and to indicate your increasing value and worth to your employer. 
But thanks to its laissez-faire philosophy, this letter goes out only if requested, and most Toastmasters, to the best of my knowledge, do not bother to request it. When a DTM or even a CC attaches to itself financial value, the rate of proliferation of qualified Toastmasters in the world will increase exponentially.
I am proud to be a Toastmaster. I am even more proud to be a Distinguished Toastmaster. And so can you, regardless of how long it takes.


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