Friday, November 24, 2017

POEM: I Want My Childhood Days Back, I Want my Youth Back..........

1. Choose any one of the following subjects/theme
*happiness*, *time*, *love*, *wrath* or *words*
_(should be your original work)_
**Note:** Apart from English we're even accepting entries in the following regional languages. Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Konkani, Telugu, Gujarati, Bengali and Punjabi.
2. Video should be of minimum 1 min and maximum 2mins 30 secs. (Subtitles not compulsory)
3. *Performance:* Spoken word poetry is performed so please do keep the CC manual in mind _(P4 - simple vivid words, P5 - body language and P6 - vocal variety)._
4. Video should be bright and clearly visible. And it shouldn't be more than 30 MB. Audio should be audible with no disturbances.
5. ‎You can be as creative as possible with the video.
Last Date for submission: 26th November, 2017
Top 3 winners get featured in Communicate 98, November Edition and get a special prize from District 98.

I Want my Childhood days back………………. 

I travel back into time……
Through my memories, some sweet,some sublime.

Though we were all, “Teens”…..To all others we were still

Want my childhood days back, when;

My favourite evening snack always
was Butter KhariOr biscuit of Britannia Marie.

Orange Rasna was the only “Cool”drink.

Having “Hot” drinks meant drinking
“Hot Milk” 

When our dad was the only, “Villain”.
And mum was our only loving, “civilian”.

When our secret code word for ourdad was, “Dhondhu”.

For he was always screaming, “Don’t
do this. Don’t do that”. Mr. Don’t Do”. 

Used to walk to school and it wasalways a homeward run….

School was best closed onholidays, for us to play and roam…. 

I want my youth back….

To commit all those silly mistakes as a Teenager……
And be forgiven for just being a "Teen" and

I want my Youth Back.........
When College was the only cool hangout place......
I want my Youth Back..........
When no girl could dare call me "Uncle",
Cause that was reserved for bald headed looking men.......... 

I want my Youth Back..........
When in that world there were no bills, no pills, no commitment

Life was just one big chill………

I want my Youth Back...........
When one had choices of backup girlfriends, when one says no,
There was always someone to say, let's go........ 

I want my Youth Back…………
When my Slogan was….. 

Live, Love, Lust, Let go or Let’s go……..

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