Friday, December 1, 2017

TM Renu Chopra's Table Topic

Table Topic Volunteer TM Deepak

Beaten, Battered & Bruised by women and i feel that i know everything about relationships.

Yes. I do totally agree with the above thought and saying of Mrs. TM Renu Chopra that all couples whether boyfriend / Girlfriend, Going Steady couples, Lovers, Live in couples, Engaged, Married or whatever, they need to have a Green Light sort of freedom within the relationship. 

Color Green symbolises, live and let live. Green would signify to caring & sharing and providing some individual breathing space for all couples. As every couple is an individual within the said relationship.

None of the individuals in a couple relationship need to be like some narrow minded MR. DHONDHU. A person (male or female) who always says, DON'T DO THIS, DON'T DO THAT. It kinda gets stiffling and suffocating if all the time there is a RED LIGHT ON in any relationship.

Hence. YES. Relationships are like Traffic lights. And i just have this theory that i can only exist in a relationship if its a green light. 

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