Sunday, January 14, 2018

Is your Tool Box empty or full?



I would like you all to join me in a short VISUALIZATON TOUR by closing your eyes. Yes. Close your eyes for a little while with me. All eyes closed. Now let’s travel back to your respective homes and we will do 1 small exercise. Any Tools that you find, just with the aid of your imagination, throw it out of your window. Throw whatever TOOL comes into your one or two hands. Along with you all, I am throwing some tools too from my house. Mixer Grinder, Oven, Gas lighters, Sandwich maker, Toaster, Knives, Cutlery, the TV Remote the Pillows, anything that is a TOOL.

This Happened to me: 3 Stories

“Most people like to own things. You know, land, luggage, other people. Makes them feel secure. But all that can be taken away. And in the...